(A Poem)


She’s been hurt, disappointed and frustrated. 

She has failed, made countless mistakes, used, abused, cursed and insulted to her face. 

She is considered weak and vulnerable most of the time, ignored and treated like she doesn’t exist. 

Her voice doesn’t count and her opinions do not matter in some cultures. 

In some cases, she is insecure, has low self esteem issues and no sense of value.

Her inner being and spirit is crushed and in some cases her worth is nonexistent.

Looking at her, one can be forgiven to think that she is useless and good for nothing, 

yet a woman of purpose is one of God’s most powerful vessels the world has ever seen or even imagined.

She is beautiful beyond measure; fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s very image. 

She is anointed, talented, gifted, and with potential to do and accomplish great things. 

She is powerful and influential – with the capacity to change, ability to influence,

and capability to turn things, events and the world around.

She is loved; God’s own treasure – a crown and a royal diadem in God’s very own hand.

She is a mover and a shaker; created to soar high like an eagle. 

She is able to overcome anything that withstands her.  This woman is not self made; she is God made. 

She leans on God for strength and relies on the Holy Spirit for guidance and leading.

She is not mediocre; she finishes whatever she starts and nothing moves her for she is bold and courageous like a lion.

Life is not a bed of roses and things happen that leave her wondering whether she is actually alive or dead, 

but she has a God who is able to strengthen and empower her to face the next chapter of her life stronger, bolder and courageous.

She is God fearing, loving, caring and compassionate.

She is God’s best and favorite child. I call her "the woman of divine purpose".